
Leaver Interview | Sophia, Class of 2023

WCIS WellingtonCollegeSH 2023-10-19

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The 2022-23 academic year is fast coming to a close. Another class of Wellingtonians will soon go out into the world to accomplish great things. Until then, some of our 2023 Leavers are reflecting on their time at Wellington and what lies on the road ahead after graduation.  

Today, Sophia talks about her time at Wellington. Originally a boarder, she had the opportunity to build unique and enduring friendships with her fellow pupils. She also discovered that she he as a talent for the performing arts. Her hard work and resilience have paid off with an offer from the world-renowned Berklee College of Music. And the support she got from her teachers has inspired to pursue a career as an educator. She may even return to Wellington to join us as a teacher!

The freedom to

find one's passions

“What I love most about Wellington is that we have the freedom to be ourselves. Everyone can just do what they love without fear of being judged by others. It is just a very accepting and tolerant environment. If I did not go here, I do not think I would be as interested in music or sports as I am today. I learned how to play netball here, and I really, really got into it. And then I joined a team for a couple of years. That built my confidence. Music-wise, Wellington provided me with opportunities to perform. I sing and I do theatre. I love musicals. Being on stage so often was also a great way to build confidence.”


Finding a family

away from home

“It is impossible for me to say what my favourite Wellington memory is because I have so many of them. But I started out living in the boarding facility, and that was really fun. Every night, we would have a different activity, like playing capture the flag on the sports field, or sometimes we would bake something in the kitchen. We were like a small family. In fact, my roommate and I became so close, I look at her like sister. I am really thankful for that.”

The courage 

to pursue a dream

“My goal has long been to go to Berklee College of Music. I really want to be in an environment where I am surrounded by music every single day, so Berklee is basically my dream school. Wellington definitely helped me achieve this goal. The more stage time I got, the more comfortable and confident I became as a performer. The less stage fright I had to contend with.”

An empowering 

support system 

“I have always felt supported at Wellington. Every day, I think I get asked by at least one teacher, ‘How are you doing? ‘or ‘How are you feeling?’ They are always checking up on us. This is one of the things that has inspired me to pursue my career path. I want to be a music teacher! In fact, I am seriously considering coming back here to teach and pass on what I have learned to younger Wellingtonians.”

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